Academic Support

How We Help You

At Shaw, everyone wants to see you shine. Because we’re a small school, we’ll get to know the real you, where you want to go, and how you’re doing. If you don’t feel quite ready for college-level work, we’re here to help. Find yourself in a difficult moment? We get it. Our trained professionals offer all the assistance and tools you need to thrive at Shaw U starting on day one.

Welcome to Shaw U!

At New Student Orientation you’ll get to know Shaw—the campus, the faculty, the returning students—and one another. Orientation at Shaw U is fun and welcoming, and it sets you up for a smooth transition to college life.

  • If you’re a new first year student, you’ll participate in three days of events.

    • You’ll attend information sessions, social activities, and meetings with peer mentors
    • You’ll learn about all about the campus resources that will help you get ahead
    • You’ll meet with your academic advisor to discuss your career interests
    • With help from your advisor, you’ll register for your first semester of courses
  • If you’re a transfer student, you’ll participate in a full day of events that will introduce you to academics and campus life at Shaw U.


The Student Success Center offers you tools to help you take control of your academic journey, right through graduation. Whether you’re struggling with a course or want to improve your grades to apply for grad school, we’ve got you.

  • You’ll learn how to study more effectively and manage your time during special workshops.
  • If you need help in a particular subject, we’ll set you up with tutoring: one-on-one sessions with a tutor, small group sessions, and study strategy workshops. You’ll also have access to a 24/7 online tutoring service.
  • Some courses are just more challenging than others. If you’re taking one of these courses, you’ll have the option to join a special program of extra academic support. In this program you’ll have supplemental instruction and meet in small peer groups with a student leader.
  • You’ll meet regularly with your advisor, who’ll help you pick your major based on your interests, strengths and career interests. Your advisor will also make sure you’re registering for the courses that match your goals.

Explore the Office of Academic Success

Writing & Tutorial Center

Gain the power to communicate your ideas effectively, no matter what you’re writing. At the Writing Center, you can get detailed feedback on an essay, help understanding an assignment, research support, or a brainstorming partner. We can also help with polishing your writing—whether that’s a personal essay, blog post, creative writing project, or scholarship essay.

Explore the Writing & Tutorial Center

Staying on Track

There might be times when you find yourself struggling to keep up with your courses. Your professors and advisor will see it, too, and will work with you to come up with an Academic Recovery Plan to get back on track and graduate. You’ll have regular check-ins sessions with your advisor, participate in study hall and tutoring, and join special academic workshops. We’ll track your progress until you’re getting the grades you need.

You’ll also have access to counseling for any mental health issues that might be interfering with your success.

The Shaw Men’s Initiative

If you’re a male-identifying student at Shaw, you can take advantage of everything that the Men’s Initiative offers—including one-on-one success planning, mentorship, and leadership development. You’ll also have opportunities to bond with other male students and develop yourself culturally. From learning how to tie a tie, to Chat & Chew Focus Groups and the Brothers of Umoja Rites of Passage, the Men’s Initiative’s offerings help you develop a strong sense of belonging.

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Library Resources

The James E. Cheek library offers many free resources and services tailored to our students.

We are centrally located on the main campus.