Center for Racial & Social Justice


The Center for Racial and Social Justice (CRSJ) at Shaw University is dedicated to creating a just and equitable society. Through scholarly research, community engagement, and policy advocacy, the Center leverages Shaw University’s historical and spiritual foundation to drive meaningful change. By engaging with various stakeholders, the CRSJ aims to influence policies and practices across public and private sectors to reflect the principles of equity and justice.

About Us

Mission and Vision

The CRSJ’s mission is to advance social justice by producing impactful research, hosting community events, and generating policy recommendations. The Center focuses on informing the actions of public and private entities through its research and advocacy efforts. By hosting diverse events and disseminating findings through various media platforms, the CRSJ aims to engage a wide audience and promote widespread change. The Center also develops curricula and educational materials that align with its vision of a just society.

Community Initiatives

Courageous Community Conversations

The CRSJ organizes Courageous Community Conversations to address critical social issues. These dialogues encourage active participation from the community and aim to build understanding across different demographic groups. Topics range from racial inequities to broader social justice challenges, providing a platform for voices that are often marginalized. By fostering these conversations, the CRSJ seeks to strengthen community bonds and inspire collective action toward justice.

Public Art and Murals

Public art initiatives, including murals, are a significant part of the CRSJ’s community engagement strategy. These projects serve as visual representations of social justice themes and are strategically placed to maximize community interaction. Murals and other forms of public art not only beautify the community but also provoke thought and discussion on important issues. They are a testament to the power of art in promoting social change and enhancing community solidarity.

Student Engagement

Empowering Students

The CRSJ is committed to involving students in its mission to promote social justice. Through various programs, students are provided with opportunities to learn and lead in advocacy efforts. Workshops, internships, and events organized by the Center offer practical experience and platforms for student voices. By engaging students, the CRSJ helps cultivate the next generation of social justice leaders, equipping them with the knowledge and skills needed to drive future change.

Learn More About the CRSJ


Center for Racial & Social Justice

Learn more about the impactful work and initiatives of the Center for Racial and Social Justice, including their community programs, research efforts, and student engagement opportunities.