Clery Act


The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (“Clery Act”), is named in memory of 19-year-old Jeanne Ann Clery, a Lehigh University first year who was raped and murdered in her residence hall room on April 5, 1986 by a fellow student whom she did not know. Institutions that participate in federal student financial aid programs must comply with the Clery Act. The Clery Act requirements include:

  1. Institutions must collect and publish certain crime statistics in an Annual Fire Safety and Security Report no later than October 1.
  2. Institutions must publish a daily crime log, a fire log, issue timely warnings and notices to the campus community.
  3. Institutions must comply with the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA).

In order to comply with these requirements, Shaw University produces and disseminates the Annual Fire Safety and Security Report each year, on or before October 1. To comply with the crime statistics requirement, the institution collects information from the campus police, the local law enforcement agency, and from certain individuals and organizations that the Clery Act defines as “campus security authorities” (“CSAs”). The goal in collecting crime reports from CSAs rather than just from the police is to capture as many crime reports as possible. Professional mental health and religious counselors are exempt from reporting requirements. If you have any questions please contact the Clery Act Compliance Coordinator at 919-546-8230

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The Clery Act is a consumer protection law that aims to provide transparency around campus crime policy and statistics. In order to comply with Clery Act requirements, colleges and universities must understand what the law entails, where their responsibilities lie, and what they can do to actively foster campus safety.

  • A CSA is an individual with significant responsibility for campus and student activities, such as campus police/security, resident assistants, hall directors, Student Conduct, etc.

  • Yes, students who hold positions such as a resident assistant, desk attendant, sit on judicial boards, etc. are considered CSA’s and must be trained.

  • Yes, generally faculty members are not CSA’s, however, in the event that a faculty member accompanies students on trips or advise a student group, that faculty member is a CSA for the duration of that position.

  • CSA training is completed annually.

  • If you’re unsure, contact the Clery Act Compliance Officer at (919) 546-8230.

  • Yes, you still have to report. Under the Clery Act, the name of the individual is not required. Please send the report with all of the information you have obtained.

  • Though you are not legally obligated to report, it is highly encouraged.

  • The US Department of Education assesses fines for violations of the Clery Act, the current amount is $54,789 per violation.

Daily Crime Log

The Daily Crime Log, compiled by Campus Police and Security, contains a brief description of the major activity on campus.

(spreadsheet imbed)

Campus Security Authority

You are a CSA if your job title falls into one of these areas:

  • Resident Managers who oversee student housing, a student center or student extracurricular activities
  • Academic leaders who are involved in student activities
  • Student services and residential life officials
  • Clubs, organizations and society’s staff
  • Athletic administrators, including directors, assistant directors, coaches, assistant coaches and trainers
  • Student activities coordinators and staff
  • Faculty and staff advisors to student organizations
  • Academic advisors
  • Coordinator of Greek affairs
  • Title IX coordinator who work directly with students
  • Staff in the counseling center who work directly with students
  • Victim advocates or others, who are responsible for providing victims with advocacy services, such as assisting with housing relocation, disciplinary action or court cases, etc.
  • Officers from local law enforcement who are identified in our Mutual aid agreement by the institution to provide campus safety-related services
  • Clery compliance officer and trainer
  • Shaw University Campus police and security who work directly with students

CSA Reporting Form

The Clery Act requires the university to disclose annual statistics concerning certain criminal offenses, hate crimes, arrest and/or disciplinary referrals reported by victims, witnesses, or third parties, to police or other university officials defined by the Act as Campus Security Authorities. This form is for use of Campus Security Authorities other than sworn law enforcement officers employed by the Shaw University. Brief instructions are provided within the form. For assistance contact Campus Police and Security ask to speak to the Chief of Police or the Clery Compliance Officer. Information retrieved from this form is for statistical purposes only.

Campus Security Authority Reporting Form

CSA Training Roster

List of Campus Security Authorities (CSA) on Shaw University’s main campus.

Tyrese Perry Student Activities Student Leader
Christopher Battle Student Activities Student Leader
Robin Featherstone Student Activities Director
Tammy Carrington Campus Police Clery Compliance
Nancy Lake Athletics Asst. Director
Jerlene Carver Counseling Center Director
Regina Alston Counseling Center Project Director
Steven Lesane Campus Police Chief of Police
Michael Tuma Counseling Center LMFTA
Richard Barnes HR Director