Photo of ShawU district building

Building the Future

Shaw’s storied history spans more than 157 years—a century and a half of looking to the future and preparing generations of students to take their place in it. Today, the University is building the future in new ways. We’re providing opportunity by focusing on emerging careers, creating strategic partnerships, and ensuring Shaw’s relevance and strength as we march forward.

Empowering Students

Shaw U’s alliances are helping students to gain skills, find employment, and become changemakers.

    A Focus on Impact

    Innovation Fellows Program

    Shaw students can make change by joining the University Innovation Fellows program. We are one of 18 HBCUs—among nearly 300 global institutions—in this Stanford University initiative. The program empowers students to develop creative ideas for shaping the future of education so graduates can help solve society’s most urgent challenges.

    The Future of Tech

    Technology Advisory Council

    Shaw is ensuring that our students will be ready for the future by tapping the expertise of our Technology Advisory Council. Specialists from Cisco, Apple, Google, and other technology giants are helping to shape our curricula so that students gain the knowledge and training needed for entry to growing tech fields.

    The Data Revolution

    Study Health Disparities

    Examining health inequities among racial or geographic groups is one way Shaw students have found careers in research. You may study data with the National Institutes of Health’s All of Us Initiative, or work with HBCU peers as a Health Equity Data Consortium researcher. Make it a goal to present your findings at the annual Shaw University Research Symposium.

    Cybersecurity at Shaw

    Internet Safety Patrol

    Shaw’s Center for Cybersecurity Education and Research takes computer science to a new level with a Bachelor of Science in CyberOperations. The concentration combines technical and non-technical skills and covers cyber policy, law, and ethics. This is a level of training that may take students to government roles in National Security or non-government safeguarding positions.

    Innovative Thinking


    Shaw is one of the latest HBCUs to welcome TEDx to campus, creating a platform for showcasing fresh ideas and motivational messages. The first TEDxShawUniversity event featured a lineup of women’s voices celebrating passion and perspective.

    Five students in front of building

    Working with Red Hat

    Shaw’s strategic partnership with open-source software developer Red Hat grew from an aim to make emerging–technology careers accessible to our students and alumni. The Raleigh-based IBM subsidiary is investing in diversity by offering training, certification, and internships to Shaw’s computer science students.

    “My internship at Red Hat has really helped me figure out exactly where I want to go in this giant field,” says Andrew Anglin, who interned at Red Hat as a Shaw senior.

    Photo of ShawU district building

    New Opportunities

    Shaw’ new presence in North Carolina’s Research Triangle Park means new relationships with technology companies. Students will benefit from networking and career opportunities.

    The Shaw U District Plan

    In 2023, Shaw University won approval from the Raleigh City Council to rezone a part of campus. The rezoning will make Shaw a Downtown Raleigh destination.

    Photo of students excited on campus

    A Focus on Justice

    Shaw U has long been a leader in racial justice. Today, we’re bringing together students, faculty and the Raleigh community to further the development of a more just society.