University Compliance

At Shaw University, compliance means adhering to federal, state, local, and administrative laws and regulations. These legal requirements are integrated into university policies applicable to the entire community.

We are deeply committed to ethical conduct and fostering a “culture of compliance”—an environment that encourages following the law and university policies. To support this, Shaw University has established the Compliance Office and the Compliance Committee.

“Building a Culture of Compliance” is what we are all about. Compliance is everyone’s responsibility!

University Conflict of Interest

A financial conflict of interest exists when an individual, or an institution, has financial interests that have the potential to influence, or bias, their responsibilities to the University.

Conflicts of interest, real or perceived, may manifest as: bias in research or academic work, improper influence over University subordinates or students, undue influence on research participants, inappropriate uses of University funds or property, and public allegations of unethical behavior. These situations can have the potential to damage the work of individuals and the reputation of the University.


Conflict of Interest must be identified and managed when it relates to activities in these areas: Research, Scholarly or Educational Activity, Transactions (includes procurement, license negotiations, subawards, etc.).

The entire university is affected. Faculty, staff, students, and others are required to disclose external financial relationships to the University for evaluation.

When COI occurs, this form needs to be presented to the VP or Dean in your area:


Financial Disclosure Form